by the time 2009 drew to a close, a few days out of johannesburg was all the blessing i needed. this year we decided to utilise our time share at sun city, the pilansberg mountains, sounds of bird call, balmy weather, was just the panacea needed to energise and rejuvenate a tired me.
prior to that a day at mangwanani and some bonding time with my mum down at umdloti was heaven, despite rainy days and crowded beaches.
i have posted a link on this blog, for all you adventurous souls who have the desire to visit this beautiful land. just be warned the baboons and monkeys will mug you, and they are the stealthy silent type, keep your bananas under lock and key.
the kids also enjoyed some holiday fun, and as always foi, was happy to be woken at 6am, not really,.. but who can ignore a toothy smile, and drooly wet kisses, certainly not i.
it was a relaxing start to a year that holds much promise, there will be wedding bells, and lots of social activity for the pahad family this year. for one who hates or should i rather say dislikes the fanfare of atending such functions, what does one do, if you are the one taking the mad plunge, with little brother close on your heels. 2010 promises to be a rather interesting year.
what with the soccer world cup being hosted in South Africa, our dismal performance at cricket, Castor Semenya, running again, male/female the debate rages on. then there is Eskom, and its 35% increase for three years, ..this is undoubtedly going to be a year of milestones,hail stones,gall stones,kidney stones...the stones are on the move, and i hope that i will be here to record it all.
my hurdle will always be a mother , who's kids have not met her expectations of spousal relations, she grits her teeth, and does not bare it, has the fortitude to live with it. i have come to the conclusion rather late in life, that one will never please one's parents and certainly not one's mother, therefore prosper or fail we inevitably chart our own course in life, make the same mistakes or not. but they are ours to bare and live with.
i look forward to the world uncovered in 2010, with interest i watch to see if South Africa rises to her challenges, or continues down the road to bananaville, interesting times ahead
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