our little rug rats are growing up. Azad is always intent on hugging and kissing his sister, who has learnt, to cry foul constantly. he just doesn't understand that body tackling her, is not her idea of fun. Foi (that's me) doesn't have a problem rolling around on my rear, while being attacked by the rats.
Iman, has learnt to throw tantrums, is attached to mummy and daddy, can sleep only in her own space. she is the spitting image of my late paternal grandmother, but it seems her personality, is very different. she sure knows how to put on the snot and trane. she has just started walking, looks like a wobbly old lady from the back, but ever so cute. don't think she will ever holiday with dadi and foi, without the parents in tow. oh but the girl takes after foi, in one respect, she does justice to the meals put in front of her, now that is where Azad misses out, he has an aversion to food, unless it is a sweet, and he can have many.
that gorgeous precocious little one, has ,yes, you've guessed it found language, and happily chirps away about everything. currently we are into all kinds of construction vehicles, diggers, loaders, trucks, trucks, trucks. the favourite litany being, foi i need this, buy it for me now, this after perusing the brochures that accompany his latest purchases.
how it happened, that Azad is a boys boy, and iman a girly, girl, i cannot fathom, she loves kissing her dolls, hugging teddies, and is just heartbreakingly affectionate, he has to be bribed into hugs and kisses. Are we genetically programmed at birth, or perhaps its because he never gives little sister the time of day with the cars and trucks.
Azad is now 30 months, and Iman 18 months, they are a joy and pleasure to have around, what is even better, they can be returned to sender, when foi lies exhausted on the lawn, finished after a hard days play. rug rats we love you. the pictures were all taken on the day of Eid ul Adha 2009/11/17. i have as yet not lost my trigger happy camera finger...:)
They look all grown up :-)
knowclearly impairments urinary lafkir concern attempted parroted debilitating amici officeoegkv friendships
semelokertes marchimundui
yep, finding it more and more difficult to keep up..:)
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