Saturday, September 06, 2008

championing the cause of forward thinkers

we have almost completed the first week of Ramadan, as always i count the days till month end. one of my Jewish clients came by this week, and though she is not a practicing Jew, she said she observed the fast, or just didn't eat on the day, just in case. she might nip out for a smoke, but the sacredness of the fast, or the fear of offending a mightier power somehow prevailed.

i like to take the opportunity, to get in touch with a more spiritual side, and yes just ensure that i might have a better time of it in the hereafter, an insurance policy of sorts.this week the mosque committee, or as they are called the houghton Muslim jamaat (HMJ) asked me to make a contribution to their inaugural newsletter, i might have laughed, because the first thought i had was that i would most certainly offend the sensibilities of the more conservative elements in our community, further my understanding of why i am a Muslim seems so far removed from the rather backward interpretation of Islam, espoused by the mullah's and their followers, none the less i acquiesced, the result to my mind was rather stilted and according to arshad, more academic then necessary. however i submitted my contribution, not knowing how much would be edited out. we have succeeded in getting a women's section added to the new mosque, however i have lost the battle for one entrance for all members of the congregation, perhaps i shouldn't loose heart, and persevere with an alternative interpretation of Islam, that might someday break the barriers of conservative, literal interpretations of the faith.

the topic was so vague, something along the lines of the importance of women in our society, laughable, as it just pigeonholed women into some category far removed from the community, as if i was being asked to justify why women are important at all.also limited to two hundred words, i found that quite difficult.
so my contribution turned out like this:

"Muslims who advance conservative views on female affairs....are normally very literal in their understanding of texts; but they tendentiously opt for an understanding that suits their prejudice."

within Islam a woman is an independent entity, and therefore it goes without saying a fully responsible human being, Islam addresses her directly and does not approach her through the agencies of Muslim males, a woman assumes full capacity and liability once she has attained maturity and has received the message of Islam

the women of Islam have been at the forefront of religious achievement. the equal personal responsibilities of women in Islam are evident and clearly established, that collective duties are commonly borne by men and women is shown in the practice of the prophet (pbuh), who commanded women to act charitably and give for the sake of God, and in that women used to respond.

Al Bukhari narrates on the authority of Ibn-Abas, who said; "i attended the prayer of Eid-Ul-Fitr along with the prophet (pbuh) and Abu Bakar and Uthman. they offered the prayer before the sermon. later the prophet (pbuh) delivered his eid address and moved ahead making his way through the people, till he reached the ladies accompanied by Bilal, the prophet read out the following verse from the Quran:
"o prophet!when women believers come to you, to make a covenant with you that they will not associate anything with God, nor steal, nor fornicate, nor kill their own children, nor slander anyone, nor disobey you in any fair matter, then make a covenant with them and seek God's forgiveness in their favour. indeed God is oft forgiving most merciful." (AL- MUMTAINAH 12)

when the prophet (pbuh) had finished with these verses, he said to them;"are you all committed to that?" one of the ladies replied,(while others kept silent) "yes". the prophet did not at that time know which one did so! he continued and asked them to make their donations. Bilal spread out his shirt and said,"donate, my parents be sacrificed for you ladies." and they all dropped their rings studded with precious or ordinary stone.

Muslim women participated in military expeditions, bringing water to thirsty combatants, treating the wounded and carrying them to safety, and sometimes engaging in active warfare.the Quran refers to this and other exploits of men and women; " and their lord responded to them,i suffer not the work of any worker male or female to be proceed one from those who fled were driven forth from their homes and suffered harm for my cause and fought or were slain, verily i shall remit their evil deeds and shall bring them into gardens underneath which rivers flow as a reward from God, and God offers the fairest of rewards." (Al-Imran, 195)

even the prophets (pbuh) own wife, Sayidah Aishah, actively participated in such military services. Anas stated, " in the battle of Uhud, when the Muslims were routed and put to flight from the prophet (pbuh) , i saw Aishah Bint Abu Bakar and Umm-Saleem were busy carrying water skins on their backs and emptying them in the mouths of Muslims." (Bukhari)

Islam fourteen centuries ago made women accountable to God in glorifying and worshipping him, setting no limits on her moral progress, also Islam established a woman's equality in her humanity with men.

in the Quran, in the first verse of the chapter entitled "women", Allah says, "O mankind! be careful of your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it its mate and from them both have spread a multitude of men and women. be careful of your duty toward Allah in whom you claim your rights of one another, and towards the womb (that bore you). Lo Allah has been a watcher over you."(4:1)

since men and women come from the same essence they are equal in their humanity.Today people think that women were liberated in the west or that women's liberation began in the twentieth century, actually the women's liberation was revealed by Allah to our prophet (pbuh). The Quran and the traditions of the prophet (pbuh) hadith or sunnah are the sources from which every Muslim woman derives her rights and duties.

i had cropped alot of what i wanted to say, and am not as forceful as i wanted to be, but i believe it can all be worked upon. for now i will submit this and wait to see the reaction if it illicits any reaction at all. here's hoping it does encourage healthy debate.


Xoff said...

Good luck with that!

africanfragments said...


Xoff said...

Hadith 3:826

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."

From Sahih Bukhari

africanfragments said...

you might be interested in turabi,aren't all interpretations subjective,we have to look at this hadith in context, and all the issues that surrounded it,

africanfragments said...

there is an article here that might interest you. i am told he has been cast as a heretic, by the more literal/conservative elements

Xoff said...

This gentleman sounds like a reasonable guy. I am pretty sure he has been declared a heretic. Unfortunately for the majority of the Islamic world, this is not acceptable. And and hadith is a hadith, and in this particular case, there is no interpretation required, or so I think.

Xoff said...

I take that back. Not particularly impressed, the guy keeps changing sides. My money would be on the man this guy allegedly helped be executed, Mahmoud Mohamed Taha. That guy was a reformist. But then again, I dont know enough, need to read up more on this.

africanfragments said...

you and me both....just picked up on it, recently...i'm told he supported osama bin laden as well.
further research is definitely on the cards...i'm told of an egyptian scholar as well who had some different views, mohammed al ghazaly i think, i could have the name wrong, will check further.

gulnaz said...

hey that's a well written and researched story, short...yes...could have been longer but very weill written and you manage to get your point across in the limited scale.

in today's age when all rightly thinking people exhort their women to go forward and claim their status in the world, you come across large swathes of women who happen to be muslim who are ostensibly backward. now one of the main reasons for this is lack of education and poverty amongst muslims but sometimes one hears of silly fatwas being advocated about a female muslim tennis player (sania mirza of india) against wearing short skirts and the strictness of such things and it being suggested that it is better to stay at home and the talaq issue...all this tends to give islam a negative press which honestly is up to us to improve.

africanfragments said...

islam has always been the champion of education and knowledge, for all people, it was never gender exclusive, that is why i have such issue with more conservative attitudes, they are too retrogressive.

sunaina bhakhri said...

Hi . A quick introduction. I am Sunaina working at Breakthrough, Delhi. This post is most interestingly written & very sensitively deals with the most pertinent issue of the plight of women And you have managed to put the issue in focus quite well. what comes through is the sensitivity you have exhibited for this issue.// Well, I work on a youth oriented site called and would love for you to blog on it. Posts like this one, which bring to the fore discussions and debates carrying on in the social media world around sensitive topics like Domestic Violence. This we do, on the Bell Bajao site as well, where we have a category called "Social Media Buzz" which houses blogs highlighting conversations from social networking sites, blogs and other websites.

Please visit the site and do write back to me at about your thoughts on the campaign.And if you're interested, do blog on the site as well. And if you're a regular blogger, we'd be happy to put you on our blogroll and crosslink your blog page on our site.

Thanks and hoping to hear from you,
Sunaina Bhakhri

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.