
how could any responsible adult, produce such trash.
jacob zuma just cannot seem to get out of being fodder for the press.while i agree that his actions have been less than exemplary, he just cannot seem to keep his pants zipped, zapiro's cartoons, were just tasteless and uncalled for. if david bullard got fired for a racist column, then zapiro should be headed out of the door as well. the biggest culprit is the idiot editor, who okay's trash before it goes to print, why the hell doesn't he get his ass fired, (oh sorry his black)...therefore exempt from being fired.
the brutality of the cartoon was in bad taste, showing a woman being gang raped, hell that's not sarcasm, that is just down right BS,..since zuma was acquitted on rape chargers, seems it was all fabricated, that is, ....the rape.zapiro, could have chosen some other avenue, to take the piss. the sad part is that the press and thabo mbeki, have paved the way for a depraved, corrupt man to become the next president of our upwardly mobile banana republic.
mbeki who is meant to be so intelligent has single handedly, (with the help of his Rottweiler ministers of cause) managed to divide the anc, into warring factions. each faction, lead by idiots who are unable to string two coherent words together, and who's only rhetoric calls for death and destruction. for a man who promised great things, to a mascot championing the course of the haves to accumalate even more filthy lucre, thabo mbeki, will leave office under scandal and embarrasment, any positive achievements eclipsed, by the duplicitous behaviour, in handling his deputy president, for heavens sake, a judge called his actions in firing zuma immoral, and if zuma is an immoral man, what does that say of our president. who as it happens is permanently out of the country, when there are pinnacle happenings in the zuma soap opera.
when will the clowns in government, get a grip and sort out the BS,...the media does nothing to improve the situation, appearing at best racist and at worst irresponsible and reckless. come on guys how about some genuine intelligent reportage.
I find it in real bad taste.
yep, i am all for satire, or positive criticism, but the rape of a woman does not signify the failing of the justice system, i am sure zapiro, could have portrayed himself in some other way
xoff, a question. i have just heard of a book, author: tariq ali. title: the duel, pakistan on the flight path of american power.
have you had occassion to read this,...any thoughts? i am thinking of purchasing this, but have not really read any feedback on the book. would be interested in what you think, if you have read it.
I have read some articles by Tariq Ali, and I think he has some interesting things to say. So buy the book, read it and then let me know how it is ;-)
lol.....was hoping you had read it,...ok will do
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