Monday, July 07, 2008

what's new?

apart from having a new baby in the family, things in south Africa just plod along as they always do. the trade unions are complaining about ridiculous bank chargers, we have the highest bank chargers in the world, Barclay's bank, were pulled out of trouble after their purchase of absa bank, they made their highest profits ever, as a result of bank chargers.

what's worse is the ordinary south African worker can barely afford,to make ends meet, and have no understanding as to the amounts their banks debit for silly things like checking your balance. what do they bill for:
1. cash withdrawal
2. cash deposit
3. statement
4. checking a balance
5. transfers, costs more if you do it in the bank, using a teller
6. cheques
7. debit orders
8. basically any transaction utilising a Bank is charged for.

quite frankly it's crap, the costs are so prohibitive, the banks make huge sums just from your money sitting in an account, so why the fees? i like to believe that it is legalised theft. a theft that not many of us object to, but we do object to being held up at gun point, what is the difference here. none that i can see.
as always, government will do nothing about it. i do however support cosatu in their attempt to get at least some charges reversed, but i hold out no hope that it will ever get done.this is not the UK/USA. complaints are generally ignored, third world condition? you tell me.

the justice tslope saga continues, he denies all wrong doing, the justices are having their say, and the mud slinging goes back and forth, even the judiciary can't seem to agree on anything.

the african union, couldn't tell robert mugabe where to get off, it was to be expected, practically all countries on this continent are run by dictators, mubarak,gadaffi,mugabe,obasanjo,kabila,abdullahi yusuf ahmed......, to name a few, why on earth would they oppose mugabe, the AU is a bigger farce than the united nations.then there's the G8, the promises made to africa regarding aid, are yet to be met, two years on, then,.... there's global warming, according to president Bush, it's not an issue. There are greater problems to deal with, would that be his getting his grubby hands on all the fuel reserves the world has to offer, who says, the americans have not achieved their aim in iraq, of course they have, it was never about stability or democracy, it was about control of the oil fields, Bush and his cronies have made billions, the fields are under american control, the war is won, isn't it?

it's all just politics, as they say the rich get richer, and the rest who cares.


Xoff said...

On one hand, I am reassured to see that we are not the only screwed up place in the world and on the other, it is scary to think that things are not much better in other parts.

The bottomline is that all the global corporations are out to screw us, and we are bending over to let them.

Usha said...

This is such a shocking post - if banks charge you for any transaction why would people want to use banks? What about debit card transactions - they are charged too?

africanfragments said...

xoff, quite right. the grass is never greener on the other side.
usha, in this country, there is not a transaction that goes without a price, use a debit card, will get charged, so you carry cash, the result: get mugged. lol:)

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.