i had to post these pictures of azaad, he spent 6 days with us, while mum was in the clinic,they all spent the weekend, just after imaans birth, it was so heart wrenching to see this little family off, on Monday, i was hard pressed to hold back the tears,they seem to be doing fine back in their own home,
azaad and i were having a game of hide and seek when i captured these shots, his mischievous smile, all to evident, this ones gonna be a heart breaker.
usha's last post, had me thinking, no one in my family tunes in to this blog, and i prattle on about the kids constantly, i think it is better that they don't,...though my niece and nephew are now featured in cyberspace, thanks to their proud aunty :)
hope they don't hate me for this when they are older
Why would they hate you for such adorable pictures. This is my favorite subject on your blog too - azaad's pics. And now there will be 2. great!
These pictures are lovely . The kid has such an adorable grin
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