Monday, September 16, 2013

my new nephew

I am a lazy blogger, there is no doubt about that. my initial great enthusiasm, has dwindled to a doodle annually. however I would be remiss, if I did not welcome beautiful Aadam Pahad to our family.
he is a four months old, heavy bundle of joy, chubby, serious, with a gorgeous smile.And when he  smiles, it can rock the world.
there is no doubt that he takes after his father. so welcome to the family gorgeous nephew,
may your life be blessed with much laughter, love and happiness. you are undoubtedly a blessing and a joy to this family, and we welcome you with open arms and infinite love.

with my mummy(Faeeza Adam), doting cousin(Iman), and foa(Yaseen)

on the day I was born, cuddly and warm.

with my Dada(Nassim Pahad), growing and happy

I am a boxing champ, get outa my face.
may your life, always be blessed, and may you know, that your Aunt and doting Uncle, are always there for you, especially on those days, when you pack your cheese and bread,
run away from home, our doors and hearts will always be open to you, just cross the street carefully, and all will be well. I will only call your daddy, after you have a good cry, some milk and a sandwich, and then we will twist daddy's arm, so that you get a sleep over.

love you madly and absolutely
your proud Foi

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.