It’s quite shocking that after getting rid of a government and system which prided itself on it’s racist, divisive principles we are back to square one with the likes of government spokesman Jimmy Manyi.
Who are all these creepy, stupid people who have just crawled out of the woodwork, and are now the rank and file of the ANC? Is it not enough that we suffer the likes of Julius Malema, now we have to listen to the rantings of the likes of Manyi and Paul Ngobeni? These are the voices of our new government, those that are in charge of making the decisions that will govern the future of ALL South Africans, the once respected ANC, has become no better than the regime we fought so hard to destroy.
Has the ANC, have moved so far away from the principles of non-sexism, non-racialism, and building a united democratic South Africa? What would our respected leaders; Nelson Mandela, Joe Slovo, Walter Sisulu, Doctor Dadoo, Chief Albert Lulthuli, to name but a few; think of this unacceptable behaviour? What happened to the belief in a country that supports the rights of all who live in it? South Africa has become a haven for quick enrichment and entitlement without due consideration for the people of this country.
We are a South Africa, bent on enriching cronies and fat cat politicians and we have moved so far away from the principles that toppled a despotic regime? We will someday, in the not so distant future, be looking down the barrel of a gun. The people of South Africa will not tolerate such obviously racist and divisive sentiment for much longer? The politicians are all jockeying to play down these rumblings as they need votes for the upcoming elections. The problem is that, we the voters are not stupid. The party should grow some balls, and rid itself of these selfish, greedy imbeciles before they take our promising future down the toilet with them.
instead of vying to spin doctor away these, noxious elements, get rid of them. At least Trevor Manual is still principled enough to openly respond to Manyi's racist comments. Our leaders will be be cringing in their graves at such obvious prejudice: "Indians bargaining their way to the top", Western Cape "coloureds" flooding the jobs market. These guys are all on the gravy train, and have the audacity to claim that they are speaking on behalf of the South African people. Well they are not speaking on my behalf.
Is this the face and a cover story we present to the world? Whatever happened to the principles of being fair and non-prejudiced to all who live in this country.
Nelson Mandela and the erstwhile leaders of our nation were fighting against domination of both black and white, in fact domination of any kind? Why then are the ANC and our Government so hell bent on supporting these offensive human beings. The aim should be the promotion and advancement of South Africa, not the promotion and advancement of a BUNCH OF NITWITS. Who only have the job, because they know somebody, who new somebody else. Both Jacob Zuma and the ministers under his wing, should be truly ashamed, and for once in their lives, live up to the principles that South Africans fought and died for. The Moral Compass, is totally lacking and must be recalibrated.
The fact is that we are lacking direction from any real leadership from these guys who are so hell bent on lining their pockets, that we are losing our principles, and the country is slipping into decay. This hardly makes a bleep on their radar What kind of a country, who's public face is so proudly racist, do we present to the world? And we are arrogant enough to want a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council....if i was any self-respecting head of state, I would never be able to second any such request.
How is the present ANC government any better than the despots in Egypt, Libya or Zimbabwe? BEE has become the swear word to hide the radical chasm growing within the ANC. It is all about elections and personal enrichment and principles have been forsaken for a ride on the "GRAVY TRAIN". And it is only the country and its people that will suffer the consequences of racism and prejudice.
SHAME ON ALL OF YOU......if you want my vote, this is definitely not how you will get it.
Hi!You have a nice blog.And learnt a lot about South Africa.(yey) Sound bed,Take care
Unemployment, poverty and the continual influx of people to the city through urbanisation were mentioned as the key constraints. And there are no signs of this slowing down."It is now beyond doubt that corruption and patronage are so pervasive, rampant and crippling in S.A. society that S.A. are on the verge of being deemed a dysfunctional state..."
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