this blog, is very much a private diary, here i am on the fourth day of the first month in the year 2011, with infrequent postings, and no book deal, wherever did i go wrong.
no matter GDH (short for gorgeous darling husband), is reading a book,/published blog, and nagging me to start blogging again, dear please understand, i am no Shakespeare, and this blog has no following, never the less, here is a resolution, and i never make those, i will blog more regularly, i will blog more regularly, i will blog more, if i continue in this vein, my singular typing finger is going to be ground to a short nubby stump.
to the one reader, who has by default stumbled upon these ramblings, yes i did mention GDH...who for the purpose of this blog, will remain forever GDH, until such time as i have outgrown the honeymoon phase, yes, i did it, i got married, and the process and time it took to get there, will be continued at some later date....and, no, my travelling wedding pants did not make the cut once again.
if any of you believe, that preparing my own wedding, was for me more pleasant then attending a wedding, get over yourselves, it definitely ranked amongst the, i know why people should never marry, or just elope, and get it the hell over with,.. but that's me,... you will all know,by now, that, i believe, weddings to be a waste of time, energy,effort, and not to mention a waste of money....but the honeymoon, now that was worth the aggravation.
any way i am now to be known as GDW (gorgeous darling wife)...have a doting husband..whom, my father, cannot help but constantly tease,..."darling are you having tea with me?"...gorgeous, sweety,...can i help, etc, thinks, he should have been A more doting Husband then my mum would never have need to call him a "galchodo manus"...(gujarati, that i cannot spell), of course, GDW, grins and bears it, as he is the new kid on the block, the guji, flies over his head, and unfortunately, he is the only white, in our brown universe, so his the "DORO"...white boy, and ripe for the picking.
well hey,since i succumbed to the ball and chain, i was not going to tow the line, now was i?...and quite frankly, which of my "own kind" (tongue in cheek ne') was going to be able to cope with me...unfortunately poor GDH...had his rose tinted glasses on,...and exactly 3 months and 2 days later, he is still wearing them, we got over the heartburn, from to much curry, we have to deal with the heartburn, that is an Indian family, and Indian culture, that have relaxed into themselves, and found a place to put the new recruit....poor will he cope?
in my universe, as you can see, there are no resolutions...i dont do gym, or diets, so thats, that...but i will blog...slightly more than twice a year, perhaps when we have our "goa-nese" kids..(baby brother Arshad..likes to refer to any future rug rats as such)..since GDH..Is of portuguese descent...there might be much to talk about, for now this mish mashing of our differing cultural heritage, will, i am sure provide some entertainment, atleast for me.
more importantly, what overides all of the above, is the fact that we are South African first, and we will navigate our lives, as such. developing a taste for curry in more ways then one, realising that marriage is not so bad after all.
Hi, I'm haidy, if u still remember me. COngratulations, I'm really so happy for u. I noticed that u dissapeared from facebook and I didn't know what happened till I saw this.
This a very good news, welcome to the married poeple world. but I'm so curious and wanna hear the whole story tso I'm waiing for an e-mail wiz every single detail bout who's the lucky guy. Again congratulations
Wish you all the best
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