the cute little guy is Isa
the happy couple
Faeeza's master piece, Arshad had better watch his waist line..:)
the spread at the proposal, Arshad looks on as mother's-in-law get chatting
so little brother got is set for the 22ND of may 2010.
now i ask you why me, i have reached that middle of life, comfort where my favourite clothes are comfy baggy track pants...ya, ya, i know that is not good for the rear end or the hips, but I'm here, and baby brother is getting married.
to all of you who do or have never read my ramblings, i am not a fan of the "WEDDING"..the idea is off putting, and nothing about getting dressed up, rings true. wedding guests, are caricatures of their true selves, and its much like bad theatre, with some food thrown in for minor effect.
then of course comes the bitching and back stabbing after, the bride looked tired, the food was cheap, the mother in law had a bad hair day, the list is endless, then there are the "aunties" who are constantly trying to hook you up, with the "eligible" single, one eyed, mentally deficient single nephew....having said all this, my baby, and my nephews Baba, is tying the knot. my dilemma? what the hell do i wear?, since i lazed into the track pants, and happily grew into its expanding
size i am now really put out.
have only myself to blame, the thought of having to put on lipstick, or any form of makeup, is something else that erks me, but what is a girl going to do. there are just those occasions where, being beautiful and on show is called for. i hope my baby knows what a great "sacrifice" this is, he won't accept a card board cut out, so i will be there, dressed up, and very happy.
don't get me wrong, i am seriously happy, and i pray that Arshad's and Faeeza's lives are blessed with happiness, acceptance, love, and prosperity for all the days of their lives, of course it would be great if they produced more nieces and nephews for me to love, the first two, have taken to running away when they see my handy cam, i need new suckers!..i will be posting the pics of the happy tidings, so my camera shy younger brother better puck up, grin and bear it, since he is the one that chose to say i do.
we had the family over on Saturday, to celebrate their happy day, it was so good to relax and catch up. these guys are always waiting for some news from my father's household, so we will finally give them all a reason to get dressed up, i would like some gifts as well please, is anybody reading this..:)
my travelling wedding pants are a tad tight, and will not do for the sister of the groom. i am so bad at anything eastern, sari's, gaghra's etc, and western clothes have been designed for twiggy's even skinnier sister. so here i am, new short hair, not advisable with eastern dress, and my ever expanding rear, trying to forget that Baba is getting married.
hey....this blog has come a long way in 5 yrs :) rubeena
hey....this blog has come a long way in 5 yrs :) rubeena
hey....this blog has come a long way in 5 yrs :) rubeena
lol.....i dont post as much asi should..but hey what can a girl do
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