Tuesday, April 21, 2009

election day tomorrow the 22nd of april 2009

Jacob Zuma ia all set to be the next president of South Africa. tomorrow we will be heading to the polls to cast our vote in this, the fourth democratic election since the ANC first won an election. i believe they are headed once again for a 2/3rds majority, despite all the negative publicity and the fact that the ANC president, just couldn't stay out of trouble.

i watched Jacob Zuma, at his press conference this morning, and despite getting off corruption and rape chargers, he comes across as more intelligent, dignified,and able to deliver than all the Patricia Delill's and Helen Zilla's put together.
most of the other political campaigns were about gunning for Zuma, not a policy or workable idea in the bunch, then you have the man who has fifteen years of policy, and deliverance behind him as president of the ruling party, despite the corruption chargers, and lack of delivery in some if not most constituencies,... he is undoubtedly the popular candidate. hell wasn't Hitler voted in by democratic election, and isn't this what democracy is all about. if the ANC is not your party of choice, and Jacob zuma not your choice as president , you have every right to cast your vote elsewhere. and that is the beauty of democracy. despite my vocal and some what vociferous rejection of having to go out and cast my vote, i will most definitely take an early morning walk, green identity document in hand, and make my mark on a ballot paper, after all this is a fundamental right of all citizens, over the age of 18, and what right of complaint do i have if i do not exercise my mandate as a voter.

there is i have to admit a sense of pride, that comes with the privilege of having a vote. for so long people in this country, were denied an opportunity to be a part of the decision making process, a democratic election gives us that, yes there is all the negativity of corruption, failure to deliver, infrastructure deteriorating, but then which country in the world can claim to be absolutely free of any of the former , what is important to me, is how much has been achieved, what have been the improvements, for one thing after 3 successive elections, the Anc have retained a 2/3rd's majority and have not in any of the preceding years attempted to change the constitution. so to answer Helen zille why would they do so now?

the failure of the NPA to convict Jacob zuma, does not mean he will now go about changing the south African constitution to suit his own ends or those of the ANC...that is why we are a democracy.if the fear is that the ruling party is to powerful, and controls to much of the voting publics loyalty, then the indictment is on the parties, who have not done their jobs in convincing us otherwise.perhaps the oposition have failed dismally to deliver. the idea of an opposition is not just to but heads with the ruling party, to block every effort at governance, but rather to work together as a government of national unity to provide for the people of south Africa what our constitution promises. our oppposition parties have not proven any willingness to participate and be effective, they have proven that they are good at complaining, much like armchair sports fans.

to date all the opposition has been able to come up with, is mud slinging, and nay saying, and they have secured their financial future for themselves and their biggest supporters, so how are they any different to the ruling party. instead of bitching, why not get off your overpaid fat asses, and work towards producing on promises the government has made to the people of south Africa. each party represents the ideas and aspirations of its supporters, so bring it to the table and learn to work together rather than against each other.

the only thing that elections highlight for me, is the number of hungry dogs in the kennel, each one growling for the biggest, juiciest, slice of steak. the end result is how politically sussed are the voting public, and how far are we able to see beyond the blarney, to cast votes, that will count in strengthening rather than weakening our country and its people.

yes we are a banana republic, like all others, but there is always hope, when your population are more informed and aware. education is always the key,so go out there and read, get informed about who delivered what, listen and learn. and go out and make your mark. democracy is what it's all about.

1 comment:

Xoff said...

Lesser evil?

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.