Ashanta having a good time with desert
greek number 1. dimitri
friday night after the party
azad before he was naked as a jay bird
have you ever had those moments? plods along at its normal pace, you do what you do, a simple call can have you filling in a years worth of socialising in just one week.
i have, just had one of those weeks, and the outcome has been both bitter and sweet. face book or FB as it is called, turned up an old school chum. when i saw the friend request my first reaction was wow, he remembered after all these years, i was the one in a pigtail. just in front. we had as i recalled not had much contact back then apart from being classmates. so wow, what had changed, i got older and had lost the orthodontic braces? i was a curiosity?what did the face in front of the pigtail look like after all these years? i mean what could he have been thinking? we had not met in years...cough,cough, will not divulge here how many years, but the experience was mind blowing, i simply think that one reaches that point in life, when everything is safe and familiar and compartmentalised into things i do, things i don't, and things i would like to do, but am not capable of..i believe this is the place in life i find myself in.
i was quite excited and happy to meet again after all these years, somewhat along the lines of checking out what we had done with our lives etc, etc...the best part being, i could escape another interminable kitchen tea/bachelorate party, the pre-lude to you have guest it another wedding. the evening turned out to be a great success, and here's the bitter pill part, how does one pursue what could be a great friendship, without any other entanglements, he is available i am not...can my adolescence be revisited? i think not.
it is called growing up and for better or worse, we make choices in life that inform and give our lives direction. we make commitments to others, and have lives full of living. does that give me room to pursue something else, can i get over the resulting guilty complex. if i feel guilty, am i doing something wrong? gave up all this second guessing years ago, and became settled in my ways so to speak.
here i am thinking again, it's a good thing? i did a post some time ago, titled the face of forty, this weekend made me feel like the face of something in the twenties, a great Friday was followed by a partying Saturday. Ashanta and i had not hooked up in once again years, the Friday before we had hooked up for dinner, with her gorgeous Greek, and some co-workers, it was a fun evening, which proceeded to moloko's a nightclub, i realised just then how out of touch i had become with the Johannesburg social scene, the flavour and colour of this city has changed enormously, ashanta hails from Durban, so as she so kindly reminded me, she was so happy to re-introduce me to the delights of Johannesburg's nightlife, as i had been instrumental, in introducing her to it all those years ago.
that Friday night, resulted in my party Saturday. where i was introduced to Greek man number two, an, oh so fine and cute looking fellow, possibly younger than arshad. a great dancer. the end result is a commitment from me to pursue, holiday bookings to celebrate the new year in mumbai, in the euphoria of all this youth surrounding me, aching knees,and thumping heart aside, i am calling my travel agent as i write this piece. i am either a sucker for punishment, or high on finally having left my comfort zone, which i must admit i am rather attached to. i have become a boring suburban house wife, without the boring suburban husband, two kids, some chickens and a picket fence.
to move on, the gang, which is two Greeks, ashanta, a Korean American (whats that), plus,plus,plus have been invited over for dinner to liven up my part of suburbia, rumour has it they come with a guitar, and sing for their supper just cannot wait. this totally feels like Pandora's box has been opened, do i have the capability of dealing with the resulting effects.
in all of this mayhem, i still spent Saturday with grandma and azad,this little delight was out in the garden, naked as a jay bird watering himself, grandma and the roses, the camera of course chose to run out of battery life, but a little boy clad only in a sun hat, watering a rose bush, would have been just classic. perhaps when next he is here i will get my photo op.
Hey, it looks like your life is suddenly all abuzz with hectic activity. Good good , enjoy. And don't even talk about aching limbs - your are in the prime of youth girl, have a blast!
thanks good to hear from you, yep seems i have had my flat social life jump started into action again...:) enjoying every minute
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