Tuesday, September 02, 2008

what is the point of complaining?

can a country be termed ignoble? i don't suppose so, as it is not a person, therefore it cannot have character flaws, the country cannot be shameful or not be honourable in purpose, but i am fast running out of expletives to voice my growing shame, no not shame deep routed disappointment in the manner in which our government handles anything.

i have lamented ad nauseum on the effects of crime, high prices,rip off taxation and the list obviously never ends. this week there are a couple from johannesburg's southern suburbs critically injured and fighting for their lives after having been mistaken for robbers at their Johannesburg home, they were shot by police, who believed that they were thieves intent on a quick get away,the sad thing was, their daughter had been gang raped by intruders, and they were returning from holiday, the cops were responding to a call out,as the modus operandi of Johannesburg criminals is to load up the victims goods into the victims car and leave, since the car was loaded with luggage,it was dark, the car was reversing out the drive with no lights on the automatic assumption was that the thieves had the car....well in this case obviously not. obviously the thieves and rapists got away.

can one blame the men in blue? i think not,...thieves are, well armed, there had been a rape, how are they to react in the circumstances. cyril rhamaphosa, formally a trade union man, now a multi gazillionare, into big business and black empowerment, seems to think that ordinary Joe schmo should be doing more, how much more i ask you? our police force are overburdened, underpaid and totally corrupt, joe schmo is forking out thousands of rands every month on private security high walls, barbed wire fencing, ( i think I've mentioned previously, that our private budget per capita on security, is more than the united states government spends on security).turning homes into prisons, when is enough, enough. when does crime become intolerable? crime is a threat that the government of this country has failed to address in any meaningful way. government response is to ignore crime, and tell it's beleaguered population that crime is not an issue, that it is under control...tell that to the rape victim or her seriously injured parents fighting to survive in a Johannesburg hospital.

if it's not crime, then we are embarrassed by the 15 million rand wastage, which was our supposed marketing of the 2010 world cup, our display that never happened, all paid for by tax payers money, so what the hell are we paying tax for? what's worse is the way this fiasco was dealt with, essop pahad our minister in the presidency claimed, it was just 'WHITE' people complaining, sour grapes, because a black country was hosting 2010, bull shit uncle of mine,...the idiots in Beijing couldn't even explain away, why we hired empty hotel rooms, that remained empty,..why there was no material on hand to advertise 2010, why basically we paid money to showcase our country and there was no show case, oh uncle gee, this is definitely not a case of whining white people again, but a case of an incompetent government and the inept uneducated people you employ, simply because they are black.

if the current administration is this inept and corrupt, what the hell future do we have? what is to follow is definitely not any better. jobs for pals, pals in jobs...the situation is disgraceful and quite embarrassing.

hopefully fifa will finally awaken out of their stupor, open the blinkers and realise that the 2010 world cup, is in the hands of some very rich, very nasty (dare i say it) black people, none of whom have the wherewithal to host a competent and successful world cup, however they are intelligent enough to make a great deal of money out of television rights, kick backs, construction of stadia, trains etc, all going nowhere slowly...we are about to be thoroughly embarrassed world wide and nobody gives a damn, least of all those in control. will i eat my words. i dearly hope so.


Xoff said...

thank god for south africa! ;-)

ps - i like the new look

africanfragments said...

lol :) ....thanks.

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.