Wednesday, March 26, 2008

battle of the bulge

sounds like a war doesn't it. whenever my girlfriends and i get together, the topic of discussion is inevitably, " the battle of the bulge". this love hate relationship with weight is an ongoing saga.

there are reality shows about the "biggest looser". heavily overweight people crying as they struggle through gruelling physical activities.there is a huge market for weight loss products, then there are the department stores who stock clothing only for twiggy and her ilk,which would drive you to purchase said weight loss products, all of which are just a sham.

why? might you ask, am i as always, discussing weight loss issues,the answer that's what girls do :). just kidding. actually i have finally grown tired of the travelling pants, and have decided that i need to start utillising more of the items in my wardrobe, what is the point of purchasing more clothing, i just have to continuosly pack the damn things.
so,... this monday, being easter monday, i made a new years resolution, :)a little late, and as i've said before, i don't make resolutions, because you never keep them. however i got off my ass, and drove to the gym on monday, and have decided to make this trip three days a week, so at 3pm today i left my desk at the office, and off to the gym i went. it has been just two trips, the idea is to maintain this and hopefully if i can i will shed some pounds along the way.

to tell you the truth, i really got back to the office in a more relaxed frame of aim is to get back into that pair of jeans i did not have the heart to throw out.dieting has never really been my thing, and eating sensibly is just another acronymn for dieting, so excercise will have to do the trick for me, and perhaps cutting down on rice.the plus side is that at forty, the excercise should be good for my heart, and joints:)

not to mention that the trip to the gym, was rather pleasant. i mean it improved my mood, and that is worth trying out for a while. let see how it goes.


Xoff said...

when people ask me why i run, i tell them it is to keep myself sane. any other health benefit is a by-product. so keep at it, once you are in a sane state, you might fit into those jeans and then again you might stop caring about them. ;-)

Usha said...

From someone who has tried to lose weight for a while and the only thing I lost in the end is the will to lose!
Wish you all the best in your effort while assuring you that you look gorgeous even with all that weight. :)

africanfragments said...

thanks guys, those comments are a great start to a monday morning:)

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.