azaad and dadi at the wedding
flight sa 537 to durban
durban international
on the beach
full moon over umdloti
getting back from a break is never much fun, getting off a flight knowing you have a wedding to attend, definite bummer, in my case friends and family never seem to spread these occasions out during the year. no imagination, people always choose a specific month, i am all for elopement, or just a simple nikaah without the additional reception, even worse we are into the walimah story, it is sunat didn't you know?
hell everything is sunat, doesn't mean we have to rush out and do it, does it?
as i have stated previously weddings always bring out the pooky face, it is really scary, pouty lips, sullen face, though i always manage to smile and be nice when i arrive at the function.this time i opted for a sari, half way into the draping, hot and frustrated, the garment was flung aside to make way for the travelling black pants, and the something summery to go with it, sandled feet and some make up,...the effort required in wearing the sari, was just too much to handle, after months of rain, this weekend was a scorcher. and draping folds of fabric, on my overheated body, which i might add is larger than the last time, i wore a sari, was too much to handle, the additional fold around my somewhat larger waist line, was just to much to handle.
who can i blame? just me, as i noticed the increased weight and couldn't have been bothered, know i am bothered, as always though i will not do much about it,lol.
i have vowed to be more regular at the gym, perhaps walk a bit more, i realise at the middle aged mark, loosing the extra roll, is not that easy anymore. the love handles cling with a tenacity as never before.though wider of hip,middle age is also a happier place,a little extra roll doesn't have you rushing for diet pills,south beach diets,or worrying about what other people might think. if you have the compulsion to attempt a diet, it will be because that is what you want, looking good in a sari, might be another reason :)
so my pleasant relaxed break, ended with a trip to the dreaded wedding,this time nephew was invited so his presence, alleviated much of the tedium,however it was evident to the other guests at the table, that this is the first grandchild, the camera was ready, and he was being fussed over,i hate the idea of babies at weddings and hear we were, baby in tow ugggh, not good. however our hosts were insistant that we would be in attendance, so azaad had his first wedding trip. being the dutyfull aunt i introduced him to the eligable girls, nephew was having none of that, he was the model of good behaviour all night,however i am still of the opinion, that kids and weddings are taboo, judging by the number of kids at saturday nights wedding, i am definitely in the minority on this.
next weekend walima, i just can't get enough...though this time i am definitely giving the travelling pants a rest, a lady does get bored.
umdloti, was a little slice of heaven, no telephones, no work, just the sun,sea,and a good book,just what the doctor ordered.
nice pictures!!!
xoff, thanks :)
hey what happened to pic a day?
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