Thursday, January 17, 2008

pretty rainbow

just when i finish complaining about the incessant rain, this beautiful rainbow appeared, two rainbows side by side, making this arch right over the house, i've never seen that before, my camera just couldn't capture the rainbow's or do them justice.but i tried nonetheless.

on the political front in johannesburg,nothing much changes.we are struggling with power outages, since the president vetoed eskom's plans to revamp/build new power plants.the outages have reached serious level's and is already effecting the economy we are going to host the 2010 world cup remains to be seen. the sales of generators/backup batteries/torches etc, have risen drastically, the stupidity of it all is that this situation should never have arisen. the public prosecutor, know has eskom under investigation,why allow government to spend money on arms we don't need,instead of money towards preserving and upgrading our infrastructure, now we face an enemy from within that will have deeper and more far reaching consequences than war with our neighbours. (assuming that is what the purchase of arms, was to be preventing)

the consequences are already being felt, the hub of south african business, sandton and it's surrounds is out of power daily, the cargo depots and railway terminals are suffering the same fate, banks have been crippled for days, i don't believe the geniuses who decided that electricity didn't require upgrading, were thinking of the consequences of overburdened under staffed power plants.instead of waisting 25 million rands paying kpmg, to audit shabier shaiks books, and a further waste of money in court trials, and his eventual incarceration, the president and his henchmen, should have been securing our power supplies for the next ten years. instead we will be playing catch advice. get a generator if you can afford one, and like the rest of the third world,..just live with it. oh and don't forget to pay the increased tariffs for power, power which you don't have and won't get regularly for the next ten years.

instead of worrying about my power supply,...i'm just gonna look out for more beautiful rainbow's.perhaps there will be a pot of gold under one of them :)


Usha said...

Politicians are the same everywhere! yes look at the rainbows that will cheer you up if nothing else. And if you do find that pot of gold post a picture!

africanfragments said...

lol, i most definitely will. then i'll take a 6 month holiday to the subcontinent :)

Xoff said...

Thank god we are not the only ones. We exported wheat at $200/tonne, only to buy it back at $500/tonne because we realized we didn't have any left. And don't even get me started on power.
Watching the rainbow is a lot more fun than thinking about this rubbish. Enjoy!!!

africanfragments said...

lol:) i am definitely on the same page

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.