Monday, January 28, 2008

a picture a day

AZAAD TAKEN ON 27/01/08.

i was chatting on line with a friend today, who mentioned the idea of a picture a day.
being a little slow, i was thinking ,...nice idea. something to break the monotony of the working day.taking a picture of the life around me.

the idea though is to take a picture of yourself everyday, thus watching your different moods, creating a picture diary of yourself or some such thing.the idea all of a sudden lost it's great appeal,it smacks of self absorption, self involvement or just plain old vanity. that was the next thought that rushed into my head. i mean why would you want a picture diary of yourself, and how long would it be before the novelty wore itself out. you could get bored after day one,and further than that, in my case the venue or scenery of the place i spend my week in never really changes, except on the rare occasion (very rare, since we work and live on the same premises). why would i want to view my ugly mug daily. perhaps the changing scenery of my face, would paint a rare picture of life? perhaps even a life well lived.i did do the face of forty, as i believed i had reached a milestone decade.perhaps i should attempt the picture a day.i am obviously trying to talk myself into the attempt.

my nephew is spending two weeks with us, while his mum is away at university,
i think it might not be a bad idea to do a picture a day on my nephew and try to see what the idea is, perhaps i could go on till his 21st birthday...LOL. assuming of course i live that i'm posting a picture taken yesterday, will follow up as i go along.

to all my friends reading this, and the friends of the blogging world, who of you will take this up as a challenge?a picture a day, try it i dare you to. usha/hip hop grandmom/gulnaz/xoff....give it a go guys.we could change it slightly, a picture of something you saw or did in your about it guys let me know if you are taking up the challenge:)


Xoff said...

A picture a day makes sense when change is visible, even it if takes a long time in reality (can be fast forwarded for easier viewing). So it needs to be in context of a constant, while the subject keeps changing. For example, constant landscape while the sun appears to move from horizon to horizon, or constant road while cars go by, etc. you catch the drift.

If I had to take a picture a day, I would probably take it of a tree growing, and keep at it till the tree was a few hundred years old. Dumb idea! Time lapse photography is nice, check out the following

africanfragments said...

ya, i get it.i don't believe i have the attention span or the discipline it would take to manage a picture a day.
if i could it would be interesting to view them a hundred years from know. will definitely check out the link you mentioned.

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.