Monday, December 03, 2007

ability or lack thereof

ability: i like that word, this week i noticed how many people suffer from lack of it genetic?/is it lack of intelligence?or just plain not wanting to apply yourself to the task at hand.

why is it so difficult to get things done,i've had calls from family everyday this week, people needing to get things done.
1. my dad last minute trip to hong kong, a couple of calls and visa's and tickets were sorted in a day.
2. an uncle having issues with the body corporate of the mall he owns a shop at. his "lawyer" couldn't sort out the issue, so he came to my dad, one call and the problem was resolved, pending documents etc.
3. an aunt, she has five weeks of leave, cannot bear the thought of staying in her apartment for the duration. her travel agent couldn't get flights to anywhere, it's december things are booked to capacity. my travel agent hasn't called back either, one call to a client, who travels frequently, bookings done, holiday arranged all within 30 minutes.

i have issues like these, work related and family.every other day, and they get dealt with and resolved.why then is it not possible for the people i meet with and deal with daily, not to be capable of doing the same.the issues mentioned above, are undertaken with pleasure, what i am getting at here, is, the travel agent,.. as an example, who would miss out on a sale, but couldn't be bothered, to try and find the flight. or the lazy lawyer, who would charge out clients, but couldn't be bothered, to use his brain to see that the solution to the problem is simple and easy.
ability or lack thereof, simply is a matter of application.and human beings seem incapable of applying themselves.

the upside, i managed to avoid another family wedding, yipee.this one possibly will make the papers/news. least, as i understand it, the unable to attend did not cause much unhappiness, which usually when it is your immediate family, would cause some questions to be asked, my aunt being English, just replied, "oh no", it would have been lovely to have had you attend, why can't the khala's and dadi's do the same. instead of lamenting the abomination you are for refusing a wedding invitation.this would be the only saving grace being English would have in my eyes.
and of course, the ynable to attend had nothing to do with the fact, that my brother wasn't invited to the wedding :)

the other deal of course, is that we have now officially reached rainbow nation status, my cousin who is "anglo indian", married a zulu south african,so we have the first really mixed marriage, in the new south africa. can't say we aren't a colourful family. menzi and amina, i wish you all the joy and happiness that this marriage will bring to your lives.


Xoff said...

I have often wondered why logic and common sense are not used by most people. Its just a matter of putting two and two together and seeing the obvious. Maybe these people get stuck where they are because they don't have it in them to rise above it.

I don't know.

africanfragments said...

logic and common sense is a rare commodity. i think there are very few people blessed with it.

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johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa
passionate bout all things literary. dislike, stupidity and insincerity.